Let's save energy as a big community! Go Green

Go Green

The purpose of my website is inform people about recycling and why it's so important. When I was an eighth grader I realized how badly we would treat the world and how much contamination existed therefore, I orgaznied a Trash Clean Up project with a group of friends who helped clean and then recycle everything we found.

Do you know the importance of recycling and why it's essential for people who are living in this world?

Recycling is very important because of impact on natural enviornment

1. Recycling reduces the need from raw materials so the rainforest can be preserved

2. If we recycle then we reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills

3.You kow you can join us to make a difference. It all starts with small changes

If you start reyecling you'll be apart of something that will save the world

Although, it isn't always so easy to convince someone to reycle

But let's also talk about the negative effects of recycling

1.Toxic materials released in the air

2. All forms of pollution goes a long way

3.Causes health risks for individuals who are dedicated

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